The Whole Shebang Bundle
With this bundle, you’re set for an entire school year (maybe even 2+ depending on how many pages you complete per day)! Excellent for older elementary-high school students, you’ve got the whole shebang here. Travel the world, master cursive, complete science experiments, and more. Plus, have fun while doing it!
All Thinking Tree books use a Dyslexia-friendly font to help students with Dyslexia and letter confusion.
What’s Included:
All About Dogs - This book has 365 pages. You can cover every required subject in a fun and creative way by using 10 pages per day in this book. To make this book last 12 weeks, we suggest using this curriculum 3 days per week, and using other Thinking Tree "Single Subject Books" two days per week.
Reading Time - 180 Day Journal: Do-It-Yourself Homeschooling- When your child has a daily reading time use this workbook! They will be able to write what they are learning and draw pictures inspired by each book. With 180 pages, you’ll have enough to last one school year. Perfect for all educational approaches.
Film Study- For the YouTube enthusiast and/or film fan in your life, this 180-day journal makes media a productive and documented part of their daily curriculum. Guided note-taking encourages students to enjoy their video while looking beyond it to understand content and cast, offer a critique, and enjoy creative opportunities on every page. Have your student watch an informational video or entertaining film each day alongside this journal, and when complete, they have a memorable keepsake full of valuable information learned.
Science Handbook and Portfolio: This handbook will direct your child through a series of "Do-It-Yourself" pages that cover scientific research, studies, essays, drawings, and experiments. With 180 guided pages of science activities, your student will create experiments, learn scientific vocabulary, make their own periodic table, and more. This will be a treasured keepsake once complete. Tap into your child’s interests and spark a love of learning with this incredible book!
Creative Comic Book - Cursive & Spelling- This little book contains over 250 activities to help your student learn 175 spelling words. Great for use with all students but struggling and reluctant learners will especially dive into this book. Covers spelling, cursive, poetry, reading, art, creative writing, logic, and more.
Travel Dreams Journal: 30 Fascinating Cities- With 440 pages of guided exploration, the Travel Dreams Journal is your answer to keeping geography, social studies, and history engaging and fun. Students will study each city as if they are planning a trip, covering a variety of topics such as food, fashion, culture, history, navigation, tourism, architecture, and so much more!
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